I am proud to have sponsored and passed legislation that greatly increases the legislatures ethical transparency by requiring recusal for conflicts of interest. HB1388 raises the standard of integrity and the faith NH voters have in their elected officials.
Totally eliminated the Interest & Dividends Tax on retirement income and sent $245 million from Rooms & Meals revenue back to communities for property tax relief.
Removed burdensome regulations and continued to preserve NH's competitive business climate.
Protected firearm owner's privacy by prohibiting merchant code assignments for firearm, ammunition and firearm accessory sales and stopped red flag legislation.
Defeated all legislation aimed at dismantling the successful Education Freedom Account program. Enabled chartered public schools to be more self sufficient and sent $169 million in additional state aid to traditional public schools.
Balanced the First Amendment rights of students and the need for safety on college campuses by establishing procedures governing freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education.
Required that supervisors of the checklist meet regularly, keeping NH's voter rolls from becoming out of date and unsuitable for use in elections.